• Closed
  • Peter Rose
    September 27, 2016 at 4:32 am #30420

    I am trying to add a slider to a category page. In the “Visual” editor on the category page, I clicked the shortcode icon and chose Theme4Press Slider. I than choose the slider name for the slider I wanted.

    I clicked update and went to view. Unfortunately, the slider wasn’t in view, instead the shortcode was. I than went back and clicked on the “text” tab. Deleted and re-pasted the shortcode, thinking maybe it had to be pasted in the “text” not “visual” tab (even though the shortcode button is only available under the “Visual” tab). Same issue.

    Here is the link to the page. http://yellowdogrecruiting.com/category/home/

    Can you please help me find the glitch?

    Thank you for your help.