How to make “Testimonials” and “Personalized Content” of customers be seen in all posts and pages?
There is no way to do that, the functionality is intended for the home page only. However, you can use our shortcodes on any page you want, like this: https://prnt.sc/tbn1il
Thank you.
1. I have seen the guide “https://theme4press.com/guide/docs/shortcodes/” but I don’t see the button in the editor to insert “Shortcode components.”
2. How can I reduce the height of the testimonials section? (home-testimonials)
3. And why don’t the avatar appear?
1. You need to add a Classic Block, there you will see the button.
2. You can’t, only with CSS.
3. What exactly do you mean?
Thank you.
Forget about “Shortcode components” I already found that it is a plugin that I must install.
1. How can I reduce the height of the testimonials section? * VIEW IMAGE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1676exPLGx9hxEqFlMt1sGfGj7MP_CT9c/view?usp=sharing
(It covers a lot of space on the home page: https://www.bjabogadoshonduras.com/)
2. And why doesn’t the clients avatar appear? * VIEW IMAGE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cinAnRk88rkHap4nIj65P_7XrTbfCV-i/view?usp=sharing
1. You can’t. The height is according to the required height of the testimonials. Some of them are long + there is the avatar.
2. That we will check, there is probably a bug. We will issue an update.
We will await your response to resolve it.
Do you have a solution to this problem?
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