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  • Michael Leopold
    October 19, 2024 at 8:51 pm #49559

    I use evolve plus for my blog site. I want the possibility to click on a picture in a blog post so that the lightbox appears and one can navigate with the arrow keys. On the overview site of the blog posts, a click on a preview picture for a blog post should open the blog. But if I activate lightbox, it is exactely vice versa.
    How can I configure that correctly?

    Posts: 999
    October 20, 2024 at 12:33 pm #49560

    Hi. Not exactly. When the lightbox feature is on, images with a link open in a lightbox. If they don’t have a link, they don’t. So, if you want an image to trigger a lightbox, you need to add a link to it (to the image itself), and then it will work as expected. And on the blog page, where blog posts are shown with excerpts, if the lightbox is on, clicking on an image opens a lightbox UNLESS you click on the link icon. If you do, you are transferred to the blog post. Hope it helps, if it doesn’t, please let me know and I’ll do my best to assist.

    Michael Leopold
    Posts: 1
    October 20, 2024 at 2:00 pm #49561

    Hello Evgeny
    Thank you for your answer.
    I have now found out how to add a link to your own image file. I have done this before. After a WP update, it was renamed in the German version and I couldn’t find it anymore…

    I would like to know 3 things:

    1. How can you assign a link to yourself to several images without doing it for each one? With many images, it’s a real click orgy.

    3. On the overview page with the preview images: When Lightbox is switched on, it makes a difference whether I click on the left half of the image (opens the corresponding blog) or on the right half of the image (opens the image in full view). You can’t tell from the mouse pointer when which version is opened. Can you set it differently?

    3. The image captions do not appear in the lightbox display. All lightbox settings are switched on.

    Thank you in advance!