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  • Robert Blätter
    January 18, 2023 at 9:13 am #48748

    Dear Theme4press team,

    In order to migrate our website https://gitarrehamburg.de to PHP 8 we encountered a serious problem updating the theme “evolve plus” version 2.8.3 to 3.04.
    Since the AutoUpdate feature does not seem to work since January 2022, I have manually installed the current version (3.0.4). Unfortunately, the complete design and styling of the website was destroyed and the entire website became unusable. I have therefore installed the backup of version 2.8.3 again. However, this version will not work with PHP 8, so this has to be fixed.
    Can you help me how to transfer our design from version 2.8.3 to 3.0.4?

    I look forward to feedback and will be happy to provide further information regarding the system (WordPress 6.1.1 obviously) .


    Posts: 1006
    January 19, 2023 at 10:09 pm #48750

    Hi Robert, sorry for the delay in the reply. I’m afraid that our ability to assist in this case is very limited. The reason is that the theme version 2.8.3 is not supported for years. Evolve Plus 2.9.1, released on 11/12/18, was a total overhaul of the theme, and it had a mechanism that helped upgrade relatively easily. But we are more than four years away, with lots of changes since then, so this mechanism is not efficient anymore. Updating now means rebuilding significant portions of the website. There’s no way around it; unfortunately, this is not part of our support. I recommend rebuilding it in a staging environment and rolling it out afterward. Do let me know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

    Robert Blätter
    Posts: 1
    January 20, 2023 at 8:52 am #48752

    Hi Evgeny, thanks for your reply.
    This is indeed bad news. Pity, that Evolve plus never alerted me of available updates.
    Still, perhaps you could provide the version 2.9.1 to make the migration as easy as possible?
    Then doing step by step further updates to 3.0.4 … should this not work?

    Thanks in advance!

    Posts: 1006
    January 23, 2023 at 9:27 pm #48755

    Hi Robert,
    I tried to look it up, but unfortunately, we don’t keep any old copies. I’m really sorry.