• Closed
  • Peter Rose
    January 17, 2015 at 3:22 am #14385

    How can I change the setting so that posts will not show the date, author, and “comments off” which is currently showing on the post?

    How can I turn off the “about the author” and “comments closed” from the bottom of the post?

    Here is the link.
    This is a test post: http://ydrconnect.com/testimonials/

    I installed a jobs plugin and the post it created also has the same issue, so I believe this can be universally changed in the theme. In other themes I’ve used there was a check box to turn off. I couldn’t find in Alora.

    This is the job plugin generated post: http://ydrconnect.com/job/executive-chef/

    Posts: 3147
    January 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm #14469

    it would be better if you add this post as a page, then all those meta can be disabled. same for the plugin page.

    Peter Rose
    Posts: 11
    January 20, 2015 at 8:56 pm #14490

    For posting jobs, I installed WP Job Manager. This is the most robust job posting plugin I could find. I create the jobs within the plugin. I then created a page called “Find Jobs” and put the short code in. When the viewer clicks on a job it shows the job post that was created by the plugin. So I need a way to turn off the Date/Author/Comments for that.

    Here is the Find Jobs page. http://ydrconnect.com/candidates/jobs/

    Here is a job post. http://ydrconnect.com/job/executive-chef-2/

    Alok Maheshwari
    Posts: 303
    January 20, 2015 at 10:31 pm #14491

    You can try hiding it by using css.


    Peter Rose
    Posts: 11
    January 21, 2015 at 10:30 pm #14506

    Thanks. That worked.