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  • October 8, 2021 at 12:27 am #47110

    Good evening,
    I am trying to install evolve plus in wordpress and there are two files that i could to install: evolve plus and evolve plus child, but the othere files: component shortcodes, widget box, slider revolution v6.5.8 and layerslider v6.11.9, i couldn’t to install. When i try to install them i obtain: “It coudn’t unzip the package. The theme doesn’t have stylesheet style.css. The installation of the theme has failed”.
    Besides, in this URL: https://theme4press.com/my-account/, i can’t download the file: demos, that is from de theme.
    Can you help me to install the theme correctly?

    Posts: 1006
    October 8, 2021 at 9:36 am #47117

    Hi. You cannot install the plugins simply because you’re trying to install them through the theme installation option of WordPress. Hence the errors that you are receiving. To install sliders and plugins go to Plugins->Add->Upload. After that everything will be fine.

    Orlando Javier Reyes Lorca
    Posts: 13
    October 12, 2021 at 11:54 pm #47130

    It works for 4 plug-ins: component shortcodes, widget box lite, slider revolution v6.5.8 and layerslider v6.11.9, nevertheless, evolve plus and evolve plus child didn’t install anything. Here is my question: when i select the theme, in that moment, are installed the two plug-ins i told you last?
    Help me please,

    Posts: 1006
    October 13, 2021 at 8:29 am #47132

    Hello. The Plugins section works for the plugins, but you can’t use it to install themes and child themes. Themes you install in the Themes section, in a similar way. Plugins aren’t installed automatically when you install a theme. They can be, however, installed easily when you import a demo.

    Orlando Javier Reyes Lorca
    Posts: 13
    October 13, 2021 at 7:12 pm #47133

    Ok, i understand, however i imported a demo and i got:”Warning: Use of undefined constant falso – assumed ‘falso’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/heidiel1/public_html/estaciondigital.cl/wp/wp-config.php on line 99″.

    Other message that it shows me is:”Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/heidiel1/public_html/estaciondigital.cl/wp/wp-content/themes/evolve-plus/inc/front-page-elements.php on line 22″
    The url is https://estaciondigital.cl/wp/.

    Besides, when i put this url: estaciondigital.cl doesn’t show me anything, what am i doing bad?
    Can you help me?

    Posts: 1006
    October 14, 2021 at 9:42 am #47136

    I’m not sure what is wrong exactly, the first error doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the theme. The second – strange, I need to have a look. Please allow FTP and admin access in a private message.
    As for your last question – nothing is being shown because there’s nothing there. You do not have a WordPress installation in estaciondigital.cl folder, and you do not have an .htacess to restrict access to it. That’s why you see the folder’s structure and that’s that.