The topic Is there a theme “Quick Start” – Could you provide one? is closed to new replies
Is there a preconfigured group of posts, pictures and settings for the theme you could provide to help with configuration settings and relationships, we’ve used these with other themes and help to leverage and integrate the theme more quickly. Would you be able to provide a link to this?
and what exactly happens after you click the import button? it’s loading and after a time it refresh the page or it’s a blank page?
My hosting provider has made the recommended hosting php.ini parameters.
I attempted the import again and the timeout took longer to occur and did with the same results
The page address is http://600monkeys.com/wordpress/wp-admin/themes.php?page=optionsframework&import_data_content=true and in chrome results in a blank page saying “no data received” – is a blank page
try to increase the values:
the first one is the most important
FYI I have the same problems at Web10.dk – I get some of your demo pages and stuff – and after at copel of minuts i get “504 Gateway Time-out The server didn’t respond in time”. I am not aware of where I can setup the parameters your write about.
Sorry if I am out of linien her – I am new to WordPress
you should contact your web hosting provider and ask them to set the values for you
I changed my php.ini to your settings on my local installation of PC Win 7; WAMP; WordPress 3.8.1; Alora 2.0.0;
Result: 123 Failed to import Media. This seems to be all media not imported.
65 items seem imported because the second attempt to import gave message “already exists”.
Wordpress and Alora is a new installation with default folder structures.
How can I import the media please?
I increased php.ini values to max_execution_time = 240 post_max_size = 700M upload_max_filesize = 700M but still no media imported.
have you restart apache when u made the changes?
I have now contact as you adviced contated my web hosting provider and ask them to set the values for as you suggested.
They also moved me to one of their new Unix servers but we still have the same problem. Is there another way I can get your import file?
For your info i do get more file then before the we changed the values, but it not pretty – http://WWW.HMKART.DK
The topic Is there a theme “Quick Start” – Could you provide one? is closed to new replies