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  • CJ Millar
    September 24, 2019 at 5:01 am #44188 – can’t upgrade to new version at all without losing everything and rebuilding all site settings from scratch. However when I rolled back from backup, now my home page is also lost and ALL I have is the bootstrap slider with nothing else on home page.

    Please help! How can I upgrade, not have to redo the ENTIRE site settings, theme options and more? Right now the home page is about useless and the blog page does an endless scroll no matter what I do and I can’t even roll back to the older version and be functional at all. This is all quite frustrating. FTP and admin access via separate reply thank you.

    CJ Millar
    Posts: 17
    September 24, 2019 at 5:06 am #44189
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Posts: 1007
    September 24, 2019 at 7:48 am #44190

    Hi. I’m not sure how you tried to update, but I suspect that you tried to overwrite the old theme files with FTP. Since you are using a very old and outdated theme, this doesn’t work. The correct way to update is as follows: you remove (or at least rename) the folder with the old version, and then upload and activate the new version. We have a mechanism that transfers all Redux settings to Kirki settings during activation. Any other way won’t work, and this is what you have seen for yourself. We are looking into the current state of your theme and what went wrong in your attempt to roll back. How did you do it? The rollback?

    Posts: 1007
    September 24, 2019 at 12:18 pm #44191

    do you have a backup of your database? I mean the database you’ve had before you tried to update the theme.

    CJ Millar
    Posts: 17
    September 24, 2019 at 5:28 pm #44192

    I backed up via GoDaddy and rolled back database and files but did not do a manual backup via FTP at all. I tried updating the way you discussed but that wouldn’t work either, and worse now that the current site isn’t the right format either despite rolling to backup. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks – I did check for updates regularly but I guess you API broke as I was not aware of the new theme version until this week. Thank you for your assistance.

    Posts: 1007
    September 24, 2019 at 11:01 pm #44195

    Just to point out that our API didn’t break – it is quite new, was introduced only 6 releases ago, version 2.9.8. In your current theme version, the API doesn’t exist. Before that, we would just publish the news about the new version on Facebook. Your version is 13 releases ago, and just before a major technological change under the hood of the theme, which is partly the reason some things are difficult now. But anyway, that part was just to explain the situation a bit more.
    It is very unusual to hear, that a hoster’s back up brings the website back messed up. I suggest the following – please describe in detail what exactly is wrong with the website right now. We will then attempt to update and restore it at the same time. Make sure that the backups are ready in case there is a difficulty.

    CJ Millar
    Posts: 17
    September 25, 2019 at 4:30 pm #44196

    Ok got it. With the old version it had a place to login and notify when there were theme updates in WP but that stopped working or at least I stopped getting notifications? Anyway – so let’s get this thing on track.

    The CURRENT LIVE site is ok except the home page is supposed to show the About Us page for content under the sliders. I activated the content blocks for now just because otherwise there was nothing but sliders for the home page. That issue doesn’t exist when you migrate to the new theme version BUT when on the new theme version the sliders and all site preferences from theme options, colors, font, etc. are lost. If you can get the new theme working with the site looking like it is now, I am happy to clean things up as I do expect this to take some work on my end. You guys are great!!! Thank you!

    Posts: 1007
    September 26, 2019 at 9:33 pm #44199

    Hey. Please take a look at what we’ve done. I hope it is satisfactory because this transition is as good as it’s going to get )

    CJ Millar
    Posts: 17
    September 27, 2019 at 4:27 pm #44205

    Thank you thank you thank you I can take it from here!!!!!

    Posts: 1007
    September 27, 2019 at 6:30 pm #44206

    Glad to help.