• Closed
  • Jean-Luc Mounier
    January 3, 2020 at 10:22 pm #44488

    Is there a migration tool to translate Theme4Press Core shortcodes to Component Shortcodes ?
    Can I manually start the translation ?
    Which extensions do I have to deactivate and to activate ?


    Posts: 1006
    January 6, 2020 at 2:04 am #44494

    Hello. The process of moving from older versions to the new version (based on Kirki) is fairly simple – after backing everything up, you need to remove the old one and upload the new one. Activate it and install all required plugins. That being said, some of the clients have a version that is too old and relies heavily on the Theme4press builder. There is no migration tool for that, Component Shortcodes will not support all the old shortcodes and you will have to rebuild. But first, try the regular migration please, see if it works for you.

    Jean-Luc Mounier
    Posts: 9
    January 6, 2020 at 9:07 am #44496

    Hello. The process of moving from older versions to the new version (based on Kirki) is fairly simple – after backing everything up, you need to remove the old one and upload the new one. Activate it and install all required plugins.

    Hello Evgeny,
    I’ve done twice it but I will try again. When I activate Evolve Plus, deactivate “Theme4Press Core” and activate “Component Shortcodes”, there is no translation. Should they be translated ?

    Which extensions are obsolete (Redux Framework, Theme4Press Core, …) ?

    That being said, some of the clients have a version that is too old

    Is Evolve+ 2.8.3 too old ?

    and relies heavily on the Theme4press builder. There is no migration tool for that, Component Shortcodes will not support all the old shortcodes

    Can you tell me which are supported ? Fully or partially ?
    If I have to manually translate, what are the old names, new names, parameter order ?
    alert -> alert_component
    one_third -> ???
    clients -> ???


    Posts: 1006
    January 6, 2020 at 4:48 pm #44500

    They are all obsolete, after backing up, turn all those plugins off (all you’ve mentioned) and remove the old theme. 2.8.3 is not that old, it is right before the change – but if you used the T4P builder heavily, there might be a problem because many of the shortcodes aren’t supported. Unfortunately, we do not know that much about the old theme – the old team is not here anymore, and we (the new team) are simply not familiar with it. Sorry.

    Jean-Luc Mounier
    Posts: 9
    January 6, 2020 at 6:57 pm #44505

    I try again a new clean install : backup with Duplicator, download the same wordpress version (4.9.13), copy the uploads, new evolve-plus theme, plugins except Redux Framework, Theme4Press Core, restore to a new database, activate Component Shortcodes.
    The result is the same, the whole look is correct but there are no translation of the old shortcodes.
    Do I miss a step ?
    Should alert be translated to alert_component for instance ?
    When ?
    I don’t think I use T4P builder heavily.

    Posts: 1006
    January 6, 2020 at 9:00 pm #44508

    I’m not sure I am able to follow your description. All you have to do is remove the old theme, upload the new one and add all new plugins. The old ones can be deactivated. And you need to use the old database. Another thing – I checked the issue with the old team – it seems that the composer (builder) was discontinued even before the switch to Kirki and there is no automated way to convert all old shortcodes, they are not fully compatible. All I can do now (before I advise you to rebuild the pages with the new shortcodes) Is to offer you to do everything myself (try to update the theme and make an effort to fix whatever isn’t compatible). I’m not sure how much progress I will be able to make, but that’s all I’ve got, unfortunately.

    Jean-Luc Mounier
    Posts: 9
    January 8, 2020 at 5:30 pm #44509

    I have cloned my site and recreate some old Theme4Press Core shortcodes who now calls new Component Shortcodes.


    Posts: 1006
    January 9, 2020 at 6:48 am #44510

    Great. Sorry for the trouble.