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  • Manfred Schweda
    May 7, 2020 at 10:51 am #44783

    Hi, I can manipulate the color of my menu items

    @media (max-width: 768px){
    #wrapper .dd-container .dd-option .dd-option-text
    color: greenyellow!important;
    But I cannot differentiate between headers with no link to a page value=”#”
    and those that have actual links….?
    they all belong to class .dd-option-text

    thanks, greatly appreciated

    Manfred Schweda
    Posts: 36
    May 7, 2020 at 10:57 am #44784

    site is generizon.com

    Posts: 1006
    May 7, 2020 at 11:06 am #44785

    Hi. could you please elaborate on what is it you are trying to do? With examples on a specific page? Thanks.

    Manfred Schweda
    Posts: 36
    May 7, 2020 at 11:19 am #44786

    Hi thanks really quick reply,
    the mobile menu on http://www.generizon.com
    first menu item generizon is really only a header menu no link (link value=”#”)
    sub menu items history, vision etc…. they have links link value=”http://generizon.com/company-history/”
    just I cannot target them differently in custom CSS
    they all belong to class #wrapper .dd-container .dd-option .dd-option-text

    Hope this makes it clear
    Kind regards

    Posts: 1006
    May 7, 2020 at 12:17 pm #44787

    OK, The fact that you want to target those specific links for some reason is enough for me. Why don’t you use the manual, but convenient way to solve it? Just add classes to specific menu items manually. Go here: https://prnt.sc/schz78 Once the checkbox is ticked, you will have the ability to add a CSS class to any menu item you want. For example, no-link. Then you can target it in the CSS all you want )

    Manfred Schweda
    Posts: 36
    May 7, 2020 at 1:00 pm #44788

    thanks again for your reply, I did exactly that before, just the class that I attache to the menu items will only show on normal menus and sticky menus, but is being dropped on mobile menus……

    Kind regards

    Posts: 1006
    May 7, 2020 at 3:40 pm #44789

    Oh, now I’ve taken a look and I see that you are using a (very) old version of our theme. Please think about updating – that’s for one.
    Second, I can’t seem to find a normal way to do what you need. Using Jquery is one way, but it is not in the scope of our support – it is development, we do offer it in the support package. Support is just for errors and bugs – you have none. I can offer you to give me access to your admin area – I will see if I can help you from there. FTP wouldn’t hurt as well. hopefully, we can figure something out for you.

    Manfred Schweda
    Posts: 36
    May 7, 2020 at 11:55 pm #44790

    ok, what strikes me is that I am not on the latest version, and cannot even find the button to activate the update, all it does it takes me to the page to enable theme update notifications…. have yet to received a notification.

    Posts: 1006
    May 8, 2020 at 9:39 am #44791

    It doesn’t work that way in the old versions. Automated updates with notifications were introduced in version 2.9.8 Before that, you had to update manually. But that’s both the most important issue. The main issue is that the theme was rewritten practically from the ground up in version 2.9.1 We’ve implemented a mechanism, which allows transferring all settings from the old framework to the new one, but the farther away we get, the less precise it becomes. It is virtually impossible to maintain backward compatibility. What it means is that should you decide to update, you should back everything up and be prepared to rebuild some parts of your website in the new theme. This might not be a trivial update this time.

    Manfred Schweda
    Posts: 36
    May 8, 2020 at 10:44 am #44794

    Hi there, thanks again reply, Just one more question: There are no issues re security if I keep using the old theme as it is now?
    Thanks Manfred

    Posts: 1006
    May 8, 2020 at 11:15 am #44795
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