Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • Sapere Aude
    August 16, 2020 at 9:52 pm #45142


    I have noted several other issues than those noted in my post titled “Sticky header menu, a huge blank area & sidebars”

    When I enable the search box on the menu and choose the Circle, it does not change.

    Images that were once centered on a post/page are now left justified; attempts to correct this do not work.

    The “Go to top of page” image and link have disappeared.

    Look at this page and the bizarre image display at the bottom of the page.

    Everything was fine before the updates but things have gone crazy!

    Posts: 1006
    August 16, 2020 at 10:06 pm #45143

    Hi. This all looks like something caused by the plugins you are using. Make sure you updated everything (including our Component Shortcodes) and if the problems persist, turn all your plugins off. If the problem is still there, let us know. If not, turn them on one by one until the problem appears again. This is how you will know what causes it.

    Sapere Aude
    Posts: 75
    August 16, 2020 at 11:02 pm #45146


    All plugins deactivated and the same issues exist.

    Posts: 61
    September 15, 2020 at 11:29 am #45343

    Hi, did you fix these issues? if no please provide screeches to better understand it and wp-admin with FTP access in private message