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  • Peter Rose
    January 9, 2015 at 10:08 pm #14303

    First off…Thank you for this clean, simple and dynamic theme. I am new to this theme. I purchased the double package and look forward to using both alora and evolve to create great sites.

    The test site I am working on is ydrconnect.com.

    So I set up the Parallax Slider, love the functionality. Is there any way to set the text to align with the logo and navigation. When viewing on my phone it looks great. You can see it aligns a little to far left on my laptop monitor. But on my full size monitor, it aligns way left of the logo and navigation above.

    Please advise.

    Peter Rose
    Posts: 11
    January 9, 2015 at 10:16 pm #14304

    I just changed the width from 985 to 1200 and now it aligns to the right of where I want it.

    I am going to switch to a different slider, but would still like to know where to change the code so the text will align left along with the logo/navigation.


    Alok Maheshwari
    Posts: 303
    January 9, 2015 at 11:06 pm #14305

    Please provide a screenshot so that the problem is clear.

    Peter Rose
    Posts: 11
    January 9, 2015 at 11:44 pm #14306

    This is the screen shot at 985 px

    This is the screen shot at 1200 px

    Alok Maheshwari
    Posts: 303
    January 10, 2015 at 12:39 am #14307

    Try the following css and see if it works fine. You may need to add relevant media query to make sure it doesn’t apply to lower resolution screens.

    .menu-back .container

    Peter Rose
    Posts: 11
    January 15, 2015 at 11:36 pm #14360

    Thank you.

    I feel like I am over thinking this, but I do not see where to change the background color. Is there now spot through the theme to set? what would be the code to put in the Custom CSS.

    I tried to add
    body {background-color:#fee000;}
    to the Custom CSS but nothing happened.

    Alok Maheshwari
    Posts: 303
    January 16, 2015 at 7:37 am #14366

    You may need to apply it to individual sections like

    #wrapper #header{background-color:#fee000!important;}
    #wrapper #main{background-color:#fee000!important;}