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  • Nick Winton
    August 26, 2020 at 1:59 pm #45256

    I’m using Evolve Plus with BUSINESS 6 Awesome theme and one page Parallax home page. There’s a ‘Contact’ section on the home page with email address. How can I prevent spambot harvesting of the email?

    The video for the Contact Form page
    (which I’m not using yet) says Google reCAPTCHA is available for the whole theme and is set up under Theme Options. I can’t find it.

    1) What do I need to prevent spambot harvesting of email on home page?
    2) Where can I find reCAPTCHA set up for whole theme rather than on a contact page?


    Posts: 1007
    August 27, 2020 at 8:20 am #45262

    Hi. Could you give a link to the video you are referring to? Because the videos on Youtube aren’t relevant anymore, they describe the older theme version.
    1. I’m not aware of any really safe way to protect the email from being harvested. Maybe to publish it as an image, but all other ways to do that aren’t 100 percent proof.
    2. There is no reCAPTCHA set up for the whole theme. Why would you need that? you just need to protect the forms. We have built-in protection for the contact page and if you want to use contact forms in other places, any contact form plugin has built-in protection as well, you just need the keys.