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  • Graham Newell
    March 2, 2015 at 3:16 pm #15001

    Hi, I am new to the theme and find that I have a thin grey shawod underneath every widget. I there a way for me to turn this off or change the custom CSS to make it go away?

    I would also like to have a recent post section and cannot get them to look nice. Are there any template options or predefined styles available for this?

    And what about a template slider, is there an option for this?


    Posts: 3147
    March 6, 2015 at 11:27 am #15172

    try to play with the padding little bit, Custom CSS:

    td, th {padding: 2px !important;}

    Graham Newell
    Posts: 104
    March 6, 2015 at 1:47 pm #15175

    Brilliant, and how can I change the weight of the font on the header of this table?

    Can you help with formatting the recent posts on the home page. I would like to have a black header with white text. The posts on your demo page look fantastic, something like this would be great, or just the knowledge to understand how I can control these fonts and styles without annoying you every time.

    Regards and thanks.


    Valdenir Flauzino
    Posts: 5
    March 6, 2015 at 5:03 pm #15180

    To change the font’s weight, just add a custom CSS (appearance > theme options > Custom CSS):
    tr th {font-weight: lighter !important}

    If you want to remove the shadows:

    tr th {font-weight: lighter !important; text-shadow: none !important}

    I did not understood exactly you want to do in your hoje page. Could you send more details?
