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  • Petra Schier
    December 8, 2022 at 12:15 pm #48685

    Hi there! Is there any chance that you give us back the option to change the width of sidebars as we need it? My sidebars are annoyingly large, and since I’ve updatd to 3.04, it seems they gotten even bigger! I asked for this a while ago but did not get any solution for the problem.

    The website I’m talking about is https://www.petra-schier.de/blog. The sidebar in all my blog categories looks really huge and takes away a lot of content space. Does this really need to be or is there any CSS code that I can use to change the width of the sidebar, but so that it does not affect the pages where I turned the sidebars completely off?

    Posts: 1007
    December 8, 2022 at 10:25 pm #48689

    Hello Petra, we never removed any option from the theme. Maybe before our time, when the old theme version still existed, there was some other way to set the sidebars, but I wouldn’t know. So for me, there’s nothing to bring back. New features are developed, but they are defined by demand. In January, we will introduce a way for the clients to influence the features to be developed. But for now, I will remove the ticket (tomorrow) because this is a support forum, and this is not a support question. We cannot supply any CSS code in this case. Next time, please ask feature questions through the contact form. Thank you for understanding.

    Petra Schier
    Posts: 71
    December 9, 2022 at 12:14 pm #48693

    Hi! This really is a support question, because look at this page: https://www.petra-schier.de/petras-welt/rodderbach/rodderbach-blog/

    It’s not looking good, is it? This sidebar is way too large, but I cannot change anything about it. The only thing I can do is change the width of the pictures I use in the sidebar to a larger size. But that’s not what I want, because they would look way too big.

    When I started with evolve/evolve+ several years ago, there was a possibility to change the width of sidebars manually. I know that some other people here at the forum asked for the same thing. I really would rather not change the whole theme just to get that function. I like evolve+ very much, but this is a thing I cannot understand. Most themes give the possibility to change sidebar width. I’m really sorry that I might sound a little harsh, but I dont know what to do if not change themes, which I don’t want to.