When can we expect to be able to use the new site editor of WP 6.2 ?
What is it that you want to do but can’t? Please elaborate on that a little bit.
The overall background works very well in 6.2 with theme twnty three . Also the inner and outer distance can be set almost everywhere , which helps a lot. I also did not manage to get a horizontal slider which seems to be endless left and right, without cutting hard. Don’t know if this will work in 6.2 with evolve or successor (?) . The border distances at https://www.haberfellner.net should be better, but I am not really a coder , rather a WYSIWYG guy. Thx for attention Evgeny .
So you mostly speak of some theme possibilities, like the twenty twenty-three theme, but ours is much more powerful. I can’t even compare… We do not have a visual builder, which is on purpose because of its overhead. If you want one, you can get any builder to work with our theme, but it kind of beats the entire purpose. The website you gave as an example has a critical error, so if you have a specific ask or a problem, please describe it, and we will try to assist, as always.
The critical error only pops up once in a while and I have not found a solution to avoid it yet.
What does it say in the error log? or message?
Can’t use the error log because of the general problem you promised to fix with next version 😉 . And it happens rather seldom for me , next time I will check.
What problem?? We don’t have any issues related to the logs, and it is WordPress functionality. You also should get an email when something like this happens.
No, but this is irrelevant. To create a log, you do the following in the wp-config.php:
define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
You don’t need to display it on your front end. You will have a debug.log in the WP-Content folder.
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