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  • Andreas Lammel
    August 14, 2020 at 12:45 pm #45123


    something ist strange with the (german only?) language .mo file. I try to edit it with loco but see only 17 strings. If I try to offline convert from .mo to .po with poiedit tools I get errors with NULL bytes and cant convert it.

    I come to this problem as I see ‘read more’ on my buttons. It should be translated to ‘weiterlesen’ and I start to look in to it.

    Is there something wrong with the .mo files or made I a mistake?

    Andreas Lammel
    Posts: 11
    August 14, 2020 at 12:52 pm #45124

    I upload the de_DE.mo file from and can edit it. Thje V2.9.9.8 file is defect.

    Andreas Lammel
    Posts: 11
    August 15, 2020 at 2:47 pm #45136

    I take a closer look to the language dir. The .mo files is the same in every 2.9.x version and the .pot file is changed. They use a old Loco-Tranlate Version 2.2.0 for WordPress V5.0 and the last date for the .mo files is 2018.

    I do a new set .po/.mo files for german based on evolve.pot
    The evolve.pot in have only 90.301 bytes, the old one from have 196.834 bytes
    The .mo file now have only 66.831 bytes and no longer 82.000 bytes
    Where I can send it?

    Posts: 1007
    August 16, 2020 at 8:37 pm #45140

    Hi. You don’t need to send it anywhere. Just use the old ones, since you have them. Replace the Languages folder in with something older, for example from You can also download it from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5undyt9twm2xabh/AADOTa74l_6ZmPrW7s3sdAAya?dl=0
    We will issue a fix in the next update, replace the files. Take it into consideration.