Forum replies created
Just to clarify (since i didn’t provide enough detail). The error that i posted was incurred when i did the admin update via dashboard->updates update theme. I assume that is the appropriate way to do an update since i use that for all other theme updates. Therefore, why is this not working with your theme. I would prefer not to have to take my site offline just to do this upgrade. Can you tell me why this error is occurring?
I resolved the problem. thanks for your help
Found a syntax error but it still doesn’t work. i also tried to copy the buddypress styling i want to use for the button into the custom css and it is not seeing that either. your buddypress styling is overriding. why are you doing buddypress styling (esp using !important)?
This is not working for me. Also, my intention was to style the search button. This is focused on the entire search form. Not sure why it worked for you and not for me. I cleared my browser cache but that wasn’t it.
I found the problem. In some earlier debugging attempts i had removed the function.php code that enques the child stylesheet.
I managed to resolve this issue. You may view it as a bug. I was pasting my desired font text color into the location where the color is specified (next to the default button). However, when i paste the value is want it does not apply the change (even when i click outside the placeholder for the color). The only way i could get it to work was to first select a color with the color widget provided, then paste my value in. When done in that order it then applied the color and allowed me to save the change.
Can i take a screenshot from my console (elements) to help?
I have resolved this issue. The problem was with my own custom widget not using the filters properly. Thanks for the response. I will bookmark that site so i can use it for future issues.
I have not purchased a webserver yet. i am trying to get the site as close to functional as possible before i do that.