Forum replies created
There is a definitely an issue with the Post Slider being unable to enforce its excerpt length.
While waiting for an update, I think I am just gonna disable this Post Slider and use some plugin. Didn’t have this issue with the Arras theme where its homepage slider is able to override wp’s native excerpt length.
Note: I will be transferring to live site soon. However, you will not be seeing the issue as i cannot have that anomaly visible to the public. Will you still want me to send you the url then ? Do you also need admin login?
Thank you for your help
I do not have a public url yet, it’s local only
I have the same issue.
Got feedback from some users who don’t like the hover effect animation and find it “weird”
I don’t want to disable the hover effect but would be nice to change the animation style.
Thank you for your efforts on adjusting the theme to our needs.
Ok, I found the Posts slider and set it up to the homepage but it is showing above Front Page Content Boxes but I want the slider below Front Page Content Boxes
and please allow the “Edit” button on this forum so i can edit my original post instead of creating a new one.