Forum replies created
It works, thank you!
At least, it is possible to remove the pop-up text labels from menù links? Thank you
Hi Roman, I added your code but often menu still disappears. I would suggest to try to get menù columns closer, one against other, avoiding to create empty space between them.
It’s would great if we can avoid pop-up text label when mouse goes on menù links too.
Thank you!
Hi Roman, I’ve inserted the new code (instead of .link-effect a span::before {font-weight:normal!important;}) but nothing has changed: the thin space between menù colums is still there and so the text labels do. The menù still often disappear when mouse cursor moves over it. Thank for support.
Thank you Roman, now the code works. Menu behaviour now is better but it still suddenly disappear when mouse cursor get in the thin space between menù colums, from 1th and 2nd level or 2nd and 3rd. See the image to understand. I think there is a margin to delete in CSS to get menù columns closer, one against other, avoiding to create empty space between them.
Last question: it’s possible to avoid pop-up text label on menù links? I think here it’s redundant and annoying.
thank you!
I cleaned the cache and it works! Thank you!
I inserted
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px){ #secondary, #secondary-2 {clear:both;} }
but it does not fix the issue. I tried on mobile and resizing the browser on pc (both Firefox and Chrome): breadcumbs and image link still do not work.
As I wrote on 1 August, “I disabled the “rollin effect” but the issue persist.” so I’m using the first option yet from weeks.
I tried to insert in the custom css this code
.link-effect a span:before
but nothing happens, the links in the drop-down menu still became bold when selected. I think the code is incorrect. Can you fix it?
Thank you
Meanwhile I tried to set the right sidebar but the bug still the same! The issue come when stretching the browser the sidebar goes under the main text section.
In addition to this, I found out the links in breadcrumbs menù stop working too!
Go to you can try yourself.
Still waiting for theme update.. thank you.