Forum replies created
Hello Olga,
please provide your WP admin login in Private reply, I will have a look. Thanks.
Those elements are inactive because they are disabled in the particular section, please enable it under Customizer -> Posts Slider -> Enable Posts Slider
can you please try the evolve based on Kirki framework?
This is evolve based on Redux framework. You will need to install the Redux plugin in order to enable those Drag & Drop front page. In your account is also available evolve based on Kirki framework which works with the customizer view.
Can you please provide Wp admin login in Private Reply? I will have a look. Thanks.
Hello Denham,
under Customizer -> Styling -> Header & Footer section be sure to have selected under Header Styling section Header Background Image Responsiveness Style -> Cover and Background Repeat -> No-repeat
Let me know if it’s what you looked for 😉
2 plugins breaks the code – Autoptimize and WP deferred javaScript. I temporary disabled them on your website to see the result
Hello Jo,
have you check the knowledge base if you have set the minimum server requirements?
In the theme customizer footer area is not possible to add a dynamic PHP code to display the year as the text/textarea field save and read values from database. What you could try is to enable footer widgets and install a PHP code widget, e.g. and insert the PHP code there, so it will work for sure 😉 Another way is to create a child theme and insert the PHP code in its footer.php file. PHP code to display current year is:
<?php echo date("Y"); ?>
Does this issue exist with other WordPress theme? For example default WP theme?