Forum replies created
I found the answere here
Thanks a lot for all your other help during the development process of my site.
That’s great, thanks!
Hi Denzel,
sorry, the login is now added.
I already found the html code in my database.
And I found out why my layout is damaged. It is the option
Enable Subscribe/Social links in header
Check this box if you want to display Subscribe/Social links in header
When I disable this option, my layout is crashed, look!/73cdc1e8fb!/ee496332ce
Hi there,
I tried a lot to solve the problem. Nothing changed. So I decided to delete everything and install everything new. That was ok so far and the layout now is fine again.
But I am looking for the custom footer html code. Where can I find it? I did a ftp and database backup before. Could you please help me.
Hi Imran,
thanks for your answer. I disabled all my plugins one by one, but nothing changed. I cleared my plugin cache, nothing changed on the layout.
I do have another url, where the evolve plus theme in the version 2.0.1 is activated and everything is fine there
I got all the same plugins activated on the other url. I as well inserted the custom css there. Still everything fine.
Here are my plugins!/923c4deec8
I really do not know, what causes the crashed layout. 🙁 Could you please help me.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Denzel,
Yes, I spend too much time on the vertical tabs, the horizontal ones are as well fine. But the right margin is missing. Do you have any solutions for that?
Hi there,
I have solved the text problem by myself. But the title is still not fine.
Ok now I am absolutely lost. I changed the text of the tabs and it doesn’t look good again??!/c05c14b3fa
I have no empty spaces or paragraphs or br inside.
Here ist the html code
<style type='text/css'>
#tabs-1,#tabs-1.tabs-vertical .tabs,#tabs-1.tabs-vertical .tab_content{border-color: !important;}
body #tabs-1.shortcode-tabs .tab-hold .tabs li,body.dark #sidebar .tab-hold .tabs li{border-right:1px solid transparent !important;}
body #tabs-1.shortcode-tabs .tab-hold .tabs li:last-child{border-right:0 !important;}
body.dark #main #tabs-1 .tab-hold .tabs li a{background: !important;border-bottom:0 !important;color:;}
body.dark #main #tabs-1 .tab-hold .tabs li a:hover{background: !important;border-bottom:0 !important;color:#fff!important;}
body #main #tabs-1 .tab-hold .tabs a,body #main #tabs-1 .tab-hold .tabs{color:#fff!important;background: !important;border-bottom:0 !important;}
#sidebar .tab-hold .tabs a{border-top-color: !important;}
</style><div id="tabs-1" class="tab-holder shortcode-tabs clearfix tabs-vertical"><div class="tab-hold tabs-wrapper"><ul id="tabs" class="tabset tabs"><li><a href="#tab1">Nordsee</a></li><li><a href="#tab2">Yachthafen</a></li><li><a href="#tab3">Küste</a></li></ul><div class="tab-box tabs-container"><div id="tab1" class="tab tab_content">Text 1</div><div id="tab2" class="tab tab_content">Text2</div><div id="tab3" class="tab tab_content">Text3</div></div></div></div></div><div class="clearboth"></div>
<style type='text/css'>
#tabs-2,#tabs-2.tabs-vertical .tabs,#tabs-2.tabs-vertical .tab_content{border-color: !important;}
body #tabs-2.shortcode-tabs .tab-hold .tabs li,body.dark #sidebar .tab-hold .tabs li{border-right:1px solid transparent !important;}
body #tabs-2.shortcode-tabs .tab-hold .tabs li:last-child{border-right:0 !important;}
body.dark #main #tabs-2 .tab-hold .tabs li a{background: !important;border-bottom:0 !important;color:;}
body.dark #main #tabs-2 .tab-hold .tabs li a:hover{background: !important;border-bottom:0 !important;color:#fff!important;}
body #main #tabs-2 .tab-hold .tabs a,body #main #tabs-2 .tab-hold .tabs{color:#fff!important;background: !important;border-bottom:0 !important;}
#sidebar .tab-hold .tabs a{border-top-color: !important;}
</style><div id="tabs-2" class="tab-holder shortcode-tabs clearfix tabs-vertical"><div class="tab-hold tabs-wrapper"><ul id="tabs" class="tabset tabs"><li><a href="#tab1">Nordsee</a></li><li><a href="#tab2">Yachthafen</a></li><li><a href="#tab3">Küste</a></li></ul><div class="tab-box tabs-container"><div id="tab1" class="tab tab_content">Duis vitae lectus dui. Vestibulum lobortis aliquam nisl. Vivamus feugiat, sem vel tincidunt suscipit, tellus lectus lacinia enim, quis pellentesque risus augue in felis. Praesent posuere ut libero sed pulvinar. Phasellus eget magna elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla suscipit dui vel metus lobortis tristique. Morbi tristique sem velit, ac aliquam purus consectetur quis.</div><div id="tab2" class="tab tab_content">Duis vitae lectus dui. Vestibulum lobortis aliquam nisl. Vivamus feugiat, sem vel tincidunt suscipit, tellus lectus lacinia enim, quis pellentesque risus augue in felis. Praesent posuere ut libero sed pulvinar. Phasellus eget magna elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla suscipit dui vel metus lobortis tristique. Morbi tristique sem velit, ac aliquam purus consectetur quis.</div><div id="tab3" class="tab tab_content">Duis vitae lectus dui. Vestibulum lobortis aliquam nisl. Vivamus feugiat, sem vel tincidunt suscipit, tellus lectus lacinia enim, quis pellentesque risus augue in felis. Praesent posuere ut libero sed pulvinar. Phasellus eget magna elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla suscipit dui vel metus lobortis tristique. Morbi tristique sem velit, ac aliquam purus consectetur quis.</div></div></div></div>
I have updated on wordpress 4.2.3
I think it’s not a chrome problem, as it looks the same in firefox.