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  • Alan Bingham
    August 29, 2015 at 12:01 pm #20250

    I have 3 facebook pages. We have a youth sports club that has 3 programs, so we have a FB page for each program, how can we put social media links for each of our pages?

    Alora has in the theme options a social media link settings tab, and I am able to put 1 facebook page link in that tab, but I’d like to put 1 or 2 more, is there a way to do that?

    Denzel Chia
    Posts: 2656
    August 30, 2015 at 11:24 am #20260


    You can use the social links shortcode.
    In your WordPress admin -> Add Page
    Look at the content editor, you will find a button with the number 4 logo.

    Click on it will bring up a Shortcode creator. Choose the Social Links shortcode.
    Please see screenshot. http://prntscr.com/8aiip1

    Fill up your required information before you insert the shortcode.
