Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • December 19, 2015 at 4:04 pm #23150

    Sorry to say , after update to 2.7.6 and now 2.7.7. the single portfolio pages do not show now , see my portfolio summary page and click on oneof the books Pages are there , but dont show also in preview mode after changes. Permalink have been changed a couple of times already to reinitiate. Thx for help in advance , if you need admin acces pls tell me.

    Denzel Chia
    Posts: 2656
    December 20, 2015 at 7:32 am #23154


    single portfolio view works properly on my test site.

    Your single portfolio view is totally blank, this means there is a PHP fatal error, or memory exhaust, or PHP parse error. Please set your WP_DEBUG to true to look out for these errors.
    Ignore any PHP notice, undefined index, warnings…etc.

    Please post the error that you find here. ( Excluding warnings, undefined index, notices… etc ) I need to see the error message for clues.


    Reinhard Haberfellner
    Posts: 71
    December 21, 2015 at 7:34 pm #23163

    Hi Denzel
    Thx for the hint , here is the response from my ISP , who checked the PHP stuff:

    [Mon Dec 21 16:58:28 2015] [error]

    PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘alora’ (T_STRING) in /usr/local/www/apache22/data/efischer/ on line 247, referer:

    Habe mir dann die “Zeile 247” in der genannten Datei “wp-content/themes/alora/single-alora_portfolio.php” angesehen:

    Fehler: es fehlte ein einfaches Anführungszeichen vor dem Beistrich:

    #vorher FALSCH
    (‘Teilen, ‘alora’)

    #jetzt KORREKT
    (‘Teilen’, ‘alora’)

    So he checked the line 247 and found that a simple ‘ was missing. See old version wrong and new verson , which he corrected and is right . Teilen is german and means Share .

    Pls look if that error is caused by Alora update or translation plugin ( Loco … )

    Now everything works and is fine here , thx again and nice x-mas vacation for all.