Denzel Chia
    Posts: 2656
    April 1, 2016 at 2:12 am #26158


    Use the full-width container shortcode in a page.
    Then assign the page as your home page in Settings -> Reading as a static frontpage

    I suggest you to import demo content and work from it.
    Go to Theme Options -> General -> Import demo content.

    Thank you.

    Asimakopoulos Alexandros
    Posts: 16
    April 1, 2016 at 11:12 am #26165

    Thank you @Denzel Chia for your reply. I have done already that. I want to import demo content but I have already pages and posts on my site created, I don’t want to lose them. Also is there a way to use a shortcode of the page? I have already created pages and posts. I set one page as frontpage and i want below to show and other pages or posts. I have to copy paste the code of each page and post in the full width container-> Content or can i import it somehow? Again sorry, but I am still try to figure it out how Alora works.

    Denzel Chia
    Posts: 2656
    April 2, 2016 at 8:18 am #26183


    This page already shows you how to insert the shortcodes

    If you do not want to import demo content on your website.
    You can install a WordPress localhost on your PC and import demo content.
    Use it as an example.

    Thank you.

    Asimakopoulos Alexandros
    Posts: 16
    April 4, 2016 at 9:08 am #26200

    Hi I am sorry but i didn’t understand how can I do what I want. Please can you give me more directions? Again I am sorry

    Asimakopoulos Alexandros
    Posts: 16
    April 4, 2016 at 9:11 am #26201

    i didn’t understand how can i import pages on the frontpage. Which shortcode whould i use? From what i understand only in the shortcode i can write in content what i want. Is there a way to use maybe page id to import the page? I want below frontpage to show other pages with their content. Again sorry but i didn’t understand.

    Asimakopoulos Alexandros
    Posts: 16
    April 4, 2016 at 9:58 am #26204

    I managed to import posts from a category but i can’t import pages

    Denzel Chia
    Posts: 2656
    April 5, 2016 at 1:25 am #26213


    Your server time out early and import is not finish.

    Please post URL, and login access in private reply.
    I will login to create a sample page for you.

    Thank you