The topic How can I fully customize the widget header with color or an image? is closed to new replies
How can I fully customize the widget header with color or an image?
So far, I have found only one option to do so, and it makes the color a dark gray maybe even black. I would like to use different colors or even upload an image. How can this be done?
Thank you in advance for the reply.
It’s possible to use CSS code for widget header color,
Please give us the color hex code, you can find the hex code using this tool http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp
Please also post your website url here.
Thank you Denzel for the reply. Here is the Hex Code for one of the possible colors: #001452. The site URL is fogwm.org.
Hi Donna,
Thanks for writing in, if you wish to achieve something like this: http://prntscr.com/7yeskm. Please add the following code under Appearance > Theme Options > Custom CSS:
.widget-title-background {
background: #001452 !important;
Hope this helps!
Yes Imran,
It does help. Thank you. I also wanted to know how to enter the code for “border radius” so I can have rounded widgets. What I tried did not work. Should I start another forum topic?
Best regards.
Hello again Imran,
I used the code on one of the sub-domains. There was a narrow colored bar above the widget header text, but not behind it as in the image you sent. The bar also did not cover the entire width of the widget.
Please advise.
Border Radius for http://fogwm.org/
Please see screenshot http://prntscr.com/7yosmr
Please try the following codes in Theme Options > Custom CSS
.widget::after {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;
.widget-title-background {
border-radius: 20px 20px 0 0 !important;
.widget-content {
border-radius: 20px !important;
For any help on other domains, Please post the url here.
Hi Donna,
Upon checking, the problem you are mentioning is related to this domain: menofpurpose.fogwm.org so if you want to disable the colored stripe above the header, you can add the following code under your custom CSS:
.widget-title-background {
width: 108.5% !important;
position: relative;
right: 14px;
min-height: 46px;
.widget-title {
position: relative;
bottom: 41px;
color: #ffffff;
Hope this helps!
I added the code. The text color did change to white, and moved above the thin colored “widget header background”, but the widget header still does not show as yours does. Don’t know why. I can try adjusting the px amount. If I disable that thin line, I have no background header with color at all.
I sent an email to you with an image.
I do not know why the code for the widget header background color does not work on that sub-domain as it has WP installed and the theme. I presume the code there should be the same.
Also, how may I add background color to the content area of a particular widget?
The topic How can I fully customize the widget header with color or an image? is closed to new replies