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  • Michael Sinclair
    April 1, 2024 at 10:49 pm #49342

    I am constructing a fairly comprehensive member only school alumni site with a lot of member interaction. So as to make it easy for members to understand what the various menu links do, I plan to use the Menu Title Attribute field as available in Menus.

    On testing, the titles do not display with Evolve plus and Evolve plus child but do when testing with other themes.

    I have carried out the following tests, but to no avail: cleared the cache, checked the Customizer for any missed settings, deactivated all plugins and swapped themes to WP 2013 and Hello Elementor – These do display the Title message.

    Please can you help in getting the menu titles to work while using Evolve Plus.

    Guest admin login can be provided privately if this helps

    Wordpress version: 6.4.3
    Evolve Plus version: 3.0.5
    Evolve version: 4.3.7 Should this be deleted if using the Plus version?
    All plugins are of the latest versions

    Thank you

    Posts: 1007
    April 2, 2024 at 11:00 pm #49346

    Hi! Great question. There are no titles on the menu because they are deactivated in the functions.php. The code below can be used in the functions.php of the Evolve Child theme to neutralize it. Once in, the title tags will start appearing.

    function remove_menu_notitle_filter(){
    remove_filter(‘wp_nav_menu’, ‘evolve_menu_notitle’);

    add_action(‘after_setup_theme’, ‘remove_menu_notitle_filter’);

    Michael Sinclair
    Posts: 30
    April 29, 2024 at 12:43 pm #49382

    Hi Evgeny,

    Apologies for the late reply.
    Thanks for your response, the menu titles now work.
    One last question:
    How can I add simple formatting such as line break and text color to the menu title. Adding <br/> for example just gets stripped or is ignored.
    Thank you

    Michael Sinclair
    Posts: 30
    April 29, 2024 at 12:43 pm #49383

    Hi Evgeny,

    Apologies for the late reply.
    Thanks for your response, the menu titles now work.
    One last question:
    How can I add simple formatting such as line break and text color to the menu title. Adding <br/> for example just gets stripped or is ignored.
    Thank you

    Posts: 1007
    April 30, 2024 at 9:39 am #49385

    Hi Michael,
    No problem. I’m happy it worked out. As for your questions – title attribute cannot be styled directly. There are options to style it using CSS, but these are workarounds, I wouldn’t advise to do it and it is out of the scope of our support. As for the inability to use
    – this cannot be done, true. WordPress removes them. Use this instead:

    Without the double quotes. It should work.

    UPDATE: see here:

    Michael Sinclair
    Posts: 30
    April 30, 2024 at 10:57 pm #49386

    Hi Evgeny,
    Sorry to be a nuisance, but all I got in the screen shot was ‘&#10’. Unless I’m doing something wrong, I presume that there should be another image.
    Thank you

    Posts: 1007
    May 1, 2024 at 10:47 am #49387

    Hi Michael,
    It isn’t any nuisance at all. I should have explained. This is exactly what I wanted to show. Take what you wrote, add a semicolon at the end, and add it where you want a line break to appear. And it will. Look at it as a functioning alternative to the br tag.