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  • Yuval
    October 15, 2019 at 3:01 pm #44272


    This should be a very simple task but I cannot find the right info so am asking for help.

    I have a static Home page with Posts Slider. I’d like to add a section underneath the slider for Featured Posts, which will show 3 or 4 selected posts (excerpt text and small featured image). I know this can be done with Content Boxes using the Custom Front Page Builder but unfortunately I cannot find info on how to add posts. I can see how to change fonts, colours, etc.

    Went through the documentation but the explanation is very vague. YouTube videos are old and do not show how to do this in the new version.

    Can I please get help with this? Thanks!

    (EDIT: I’m not an expert in any way so will appreciate a simple step-by-step or a link to a guide…)

    Posts: 1007
    October 15, 2019 at 7:52 pm #44273

    Dear Yuval, content boxes aren’t intended to show blog posts. Content boxes are just what they are. Maybe a Post Slider would serve you better? Here:

    Posts: 21
    October 16, 2019 at 12:17 am #44274

    Thank you for your reply.

    As explained in my original post I already have a post slider. What I would like to have is a section underneath the slider which will display 3 or 4 “featured posts”, in a similar way the Evolve “Blog 1” template does (but only one row, rather than multiple rows the “Blog 1” template has).

    Here is a sample from the Evolve Demos:

    How can I achieve this?


    Posts: 1007
    October 16, 2019 at 6:50 am #44275

    Blog 1 is using posts page as home page. This is how it is achieved there. Our way is a post slider, but since you’re using it already (sorry, I missed it), then that’s that, unfortunately

    judith Fitzgerald
    Posts: 10
    February 18, 2020 at 4:26 pm #44587

    Is there any way that I can apply a different colour/background, font colour to each individual content box. Can you show me how to do this?

    Thank you

    Posts: 1007
    February 18, 2020 at 7:44 pm #44590

    Yes, just use the following options:

    judith Fitzgerald
    Posts: 10
    February 19, 2020 at 7:39 pm #44599

    Hiya, I had tried that but it does not work. I get the same for both boxes regardles of what I had set individually.

    Posts: 1007
    February 20, 2020 at 7:08 am #44602

    Yes, it appears that there is a problem. We are looking into a solution.