Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • January 21, 2020 at 7:14 pm #44539

    I bought the Evolve Plus theme for my association’s site.
    Before I had the Evolve theme which dated from the end of 2013 and everything worked well.
    Since this update I can no longer do submenus in submenus.
    It is very annoying and I see that I am not alone.
    What solution do you offer?
    Should I go back to the normal Evolve theme or change the theme and get reimbursed?
    Thank you for your answer.

    judith Fitzgerald
    Posts: 10
    February 18, 2020 at 9:25 pm #44594

    that was what appeared in the update area of my site. Where can I find this release?

    Posts: 1007
    February 18, 2020 at 9:32 pm #44595

    First, go to your personal area here, API section. Generate a key. Then go back to your website and paste the key in Customize-> THEME API KEY and publish. Then go to “Updates” – WordPress will find the new version. Update. That’s it.

    judith Fitzgerald
    Posts: 10
    February 18, 2020 at 9:49 pm #44596

    🙁 I did that but still no joy

    Posts: 1007
    February 18, 2020 at 10:31 pm #44597

    Yes, still no joy. I found the problem – your Content Views plugin is causing a conflict. They use an old version of Bootstrap, my guess is that’s the reason there is a problem – we use version 4.3.1. Once you deactivate their plugin, everything works as expected. I advise you to speak to their support. I would appreciate if you would share their answer with us here. Thanks.

    judith Fitzgerald
    Posts: 10
    February 19, 2020 at 2:18 pm #44598

    Evgeny, thank you. I will get on to them and update you after.

    Many thanks

    judith Fitzgerald
    Posts: 10
    February 20, 2020 at 5:04 am #44600

    Content viewer support

    As I understand the issue: click on parent menu, the submenu shows, but can’t click on any submenu item.

    I’ve checked your page and found that the issue caused by the theme itself.

    Please add this CSS to anywhere you can add CSS
    (for example the style.css file of the theme): CSS edit add

    .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu.animated::before {content:none!important}

    I applied it, and it works yay

    Posts: 1007
    February 20, 2020 at 7:00 am #44601

    Thanks for the update. They say that the issue is caused by the theme, yet it manifests only when their plugin is active. Anyway, style.css advice is not a very good one – if you did it this way and you do not use a child theme, the next time we update this fix is gone. You need to use Customize->Additional CSS to add your custom CSS. We will look into it, we now have two cases of a conflict with two plugins, using old Bootstrap versions. We will find a way to avoid those conflicts in the future. Closing the thread now.