• Closed
  • Ryan Paul
    June 1, 2015 at 9:37 am #17855

    Good day,

    When trying to make my site live, i get an error stating 500 Internal Errort.

    Someone suggested this may have a problem to do with the htaccess file, and a lack of memory.

    Is this something to do with the theme? Or is it more wordpresss relevant?

    I am using the evolve plus them.

    website: kmdb.co.za

    Denzel Chia
    Posts: 2672
    June 1, 2015 at 4:59 pm #17860


    That’s a server error. You can see the list of server error in the following url.

    Any error with the theme will be a PHP error.
    For example, In the case of a PHP fatal error, you will have a completely blank webpage.
    You can turn on WP_DEBUG to see any PHP error.

    Sorry, we are unable to assist you in solving server relates issue.
    Please kindly contact your server administrator for assistance.


    Ryan Paul
    Posts: 2
    June 2, 2015 at 7:38 am #17866

    THank you i will contact them

    Ryan Paul
    Posts: 2
    June 2, 2015 at 7:47 am #17867

    Coming back to the theme,

    Some feedback from the administrator suggested it could be a memory limit or plugin related?

    This link was also sent:


    The first point seems to suggest a php memory limit has been exceeded? Any ideas how to fix this? Is this theme related (as per your

    Creating a new .htaccess file did not help. (no 1 on the link)

    Please advise.

    Denzel Chia
    Posts: 2672
    June 2, 2015 at 2:00 pm #17870


    PHP memory limit is a server issue. Nothing to do with any theme. Even if you set PHP limit to a very high value in your php.ini file or .htaccess file, it is of no use if the actual memory allocated by your hosting server is too low.

    If you want to try to increase your PHP memory limit, you can use this article as a reference http://www.thecave.info/php-increase-memory-limit-using-htaccess-apache-php/

    The following article from your web hosting company, also suggest that you subscribe a VPS hosting if increasing your memory limit does not help.

    You hosting company’s article also suggest that you deactivate all your plugins to see if there is any plugin conflict.

    The .htaccess file in your WordPress installation (can be found in same location as wp-config.php) is automatically created by WordPress and by default contains only WordPress rewrite rule. Creating another empty .htaccess file does not help at all. A .htaccess file is for configuring Apache web server, nothing to do with theme. Here’s a good related article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.htaccess

    Very sorry, I am afraid that’s all we can help regarding this issue which is unrelated to our product.

    If your hosting company is unable to physically help in resolving your issue and can only sent you to read documentation which is meant for a programmer, I truly suggest you hire a competent programmer to assist you in troubleshooting this server issue.


    Posts: 3147
    June 2, 2015 at 7:13 pm #17875

    instead of hiring a developer I would suggest to change a server provider if they are not able to set the memory limit for you…this is a standard for a good hosting provider