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  • Emily Hulsey
    February 16, 2024 at 12:05 am #49283

    Hi, I’m currently using Evolve Plus 3.0.1. Can you please tell me how to set up this theme to update automatically?
    Also, the theme forces 1 space between sentences (despite how many you type), but allowing 2 spaces would be easier to read. Is there a way to override this?
    Thanks for your help!

    Posts: 998
    February 16, 2024 at 12:05 pm #49284

    Hi. This is where you can learn how to update automatically: Look at API update.
    The theme doesn’t force one space, so please elaborate a bit more. Where do you experience it exactly, when and how?

    Emily Hulsey
    Posts: 23
    February 16, 2024 at 5:44 pm #49287

    It won’t let me include a screen shot here, but when I type a paragraph on the page, I include 2 spaces between sentences. However, when I update and view the page, there is just 1 space between sentences, which is a little harder to read. It doesn’t matter how many spaces I include, it always goes back to 1 when viewing the page.

    Emily Hulsey
    Posts: 23
    February 16, 2024 at 5:45 pm #49288

    This is on any page.

    Emily Hulsey
    Posts: 23
    February 16, 2024 at 9:10 pm #49289

    Also, I followed your directions (the 1st option), so our theme is set to auto-renew now.
    However, we are going through a security review of our website, and I was asked to contact you to make sure that we are using the most recent version of the Evolve Plus theme and that you are still supporting this theme with security updates. It is apparently no longer in the “WordPress theme repository”.

    Emily Hulsey
    Posts: 23
    February 16, 2024 at 9:59 pm #49290

    And, they are flagging 2 more plugins that are from Theme4Press:
    Component Shortcodes, v 1.0.3
    Widget Box, v 1.1.0
    I need to know if you are still supporting these with security updates as well.
    That should be it, thank you!

    Posts: 998
    February 17, 2024 at 10:33 am #49294

    – Evolve Plus has no built-in control of spaces between sentences. This behaviour has nothing to do with the theme. To try and help you find out what it can be, I would need access to your website to test myself. You can share credentials in a private message here by ticking the box below the message.
    – We do keep Evolve Plus up-to-date and the plugins as well. Evolve Plus was never in the WordPress theme repository because it is a premium theme. Evolve is in there. The same goes for the plugins you’ve mentioned. What do you mean by “they flagged 2 more plugins from Theme4press”? Did they find vulnerabilities? If they did, please share the findings, and we will take a look and solve them if needed. Thanks.

    Emily Hulsey
    Posts: 23
    February 18, 2024 at 6:12 am #49296

    Thanks, Evgeny. If the spacing doesn’t have to do with the theme, I’ll do some more investigating.
    I was just told to check with you since the theme and those 2 plugins weren’t in the “theme repository”. If you are still supporting them, then we’re all good. Thank you for verifying. No, they didn’t find any vulnerabilities.

    Posts: 998
    February 18, 2024 at 9:11 am #49297

    Great, thanks for the update.