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  • goody
    December 25, 2018 at 5:22 am #41891


    I’m Plus user and trying to build the corporate web site, and I’m kind of getting stuck with Custom Front Page Builder.

    My site has multiple sections vertically but Custom Front Page Builder provides only one “Content Boxes”. If you want to use Content Boxes multiple times, only you can do is using “Cusom Content” instead?

    I thought the Plus version will provide multiple content boxes so the Plus features got excited me before purchasing it. But if I have to build major part of the top page with Custom Content that’s bit disappointed.

    Any advice or correction appreciated.


    Posts: 30
    January 3, 2019 at 4:33 am #42050

    Wow super quick.

    It looks like that’s what I needed. But it’s my day off today tbh, so I’ll try them tomorrow for sure.

    I’ll let you know what happened later.

    Thanks Roman.

    Posts: 3147
    January 3, 2019 at 11:39 am #42052

    Sure, let me know once you try it 😉

    Posts: 30
    January 4, 2019 at 5:21 am #42060


    I tried the new shortcode (blog) and it seems fine thanks.

    But the parameter ‘excerpt’ doesn’t work for me. All of the article show up even ‘excerpt= ‘yes” Any advice?

    And I want to make the size of thumbnail pictures same size. Do I have to arrange or trim it with CSS?

    One more. I want to remove the icons show up on the thumbnail image when hover. What I need is simply clicking the image and go to the post. No link icon no search icon needed.

    Posts: 3147
    January 4, 2019 at 11:36 am #42062

    But the parameter ‘excerpt’ doesn’t work for me. All of the article show up even ‘excerpt= ‘yes” Any advice?

    You mean you need to not show the excerpt? Then set value excerpt_length=”0″

    And I want to make the size of thumbnail pictures same size. Do I have to arrange or trim it with CSS?

    May I see the URL with that?

    One more. I want to remove the icons show up on the thumbnail image when hover.

    Sure, in Appearance -> Customize -> Blog -> Featured Image -> uncheck Enable Hover Effect on Featured Images

    Posts: 30
    January 4, 2019 at 12:02 pm #42063

    > You mean you need to not show the excerpt? Then set value excerpt_length=”0″

    No. I want excerpted texts to show up.

    I tried the parameter ‘excerpt_length’ with the parameter ‘excerpt= ‘yes”.

    “0” = not any part of article showed up.

    “1” = only […] showed up.

    “2” = excerpted texts with […] showed up but the number of letters are not the same. And it looks like it’s counting the letters from the latter letter.

    If you need check my site I will send you the infos by private reply.

    Posts: 3147
    January 4, 2019 at 2:29 pm #42064

    yes, please send the website details. thanks

    Posts: 30
    January 4, 2019 at 4:28 pm #42066
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    Posts: 3147
    January 4, 2019 at 9:06 pm #42069

    dont have an admin access so cannot check the shortcode 🙁 . But what I think you try to show an excerpt. excerpt_length=”10″ this means it will show 10 words of the post content in the excerpt. If it shows you only this […] and you set the excerpt_length to a higher number, it looks the post has not defined a content. Please provide the URL where I can see the post contents, I am not able to read japanese 🙁

    Posts: 30
    January 5, 2019 at 4:15 am #42077
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Posts: 3147
    January 5, 2019 at 12:19 pm #42080

    Please re-download the plugin and the evolve theme, I tried to update it on your website, but probably have some server limits set. Please check in order to have same size featured images, you need to set them in the post http://prntscr.com/m3bwd7 . Also let me know if the excerpts are OK now, I added some extra function to check multibyte strings 😉