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So I basically opened the child theme and the main theme and manually copied the settings from main to child and it looks mostly ok now. I can use either the child or the main (copied over custom CSS also). However I am still concerned about upgrading via FTP. I added the API for automatic upgrades but that has never happened – am I looking in the wrong place? Thanks!
I am having the same issues. You guys helped me with the last major upgrade but the child theme won’t work (it breaks my entire site). I don’t mind copying over any custom CSS to the updated theme but it’s frustrating that the child theme won’t work (it never has – you guys had me work off the main theme last time) and unfortunately I am still having issues and now not sure how to upgrade without going through the same challenges as we did last go round. Please help? is the site and I can send the login info again if needed. I can update via FTP for theme version, and I can copy settings via FTP from main theme to child theme if you let me know what files I need to copy over so that future upgrades to theme don’t keep breaking the site. Please let me know thanks!
Site please let me know if you need login or other info. Thank you!
I am having the same issue with Boostrap Slider. I clear cache and all and still the image won’t display on the live site, but only on preview mode. I also have tested using old images that are already uploaded and used to work fine – even the ones that are already live – to no avail. ANY new slides won’t display the image. Please help!
Thank you thank you thank you I can take it from here!!!!!
Ok got it. With the old version it had a place to login and notify when there were theme updates in WP but that stopped working or at least I stopped getting notifications? Anyway – so let’s get this thing on track.
The CURRENT LIVE site is ok except the home page is supposed to show the About Us page for content under the sliders. I activated the content blocks for now just because otherwise there was nothing but sliders for the home page. That issue doesn’t exist when you migrate to the new theme version BUT when on the new theme version the sliders and all site preferences from theme options, colors, font, etc. are lost. If you can get the new theme working with the site looking like it is now, I am happy to clean things up as I do expect this to take some work on my end. You guys are great!!! Thank you!
I backed up via GoDaddy and rolled back database and files but did not do a manual backup via FTP at all. I tried updating the way you discussed but that wouldn’t work either, and worse now that the current site isn’t the right format either despite rolling to backup. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks – I did check for updates regularly but I guess you API broke as I was not aware of the new theme version until this week. Thank you for your assistance.
yes, and tried multiple layouts and none of them work.