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Ok, well after a fourth try it appears that the update has worked. I don’t know exactly why? I have my site to default to the WordPress 2020 theme if anything happens to the Evolve theme. When I renamed the old version in cPanel, I went back and refreshed the theme page in the wordpress dashboard. I noticed the old version was deactivated and a weird “phantom” version of Evolve was active. I activated TwentyTwenty theme instead and then proceeded to upload the zip file, extracted it, and then refreshed the theme page back in the wordpress admin panel. When I activated, everything went as it should have to start with. I am assuming this time the update worked because I activated a different theme during the update process. I know this is not required according to your directions. I have seen some fluky things with (such as the theme refusing the recognize it needed to be updated) so maybe there was another quirk with this somewhere? Anyway, it appears like it is finally working as it is supposed to. Thanks!
Just wanted to let you know that the pages/posts editor is know working again. I have no idea what caused the pages to not display. I was going to try reinstalling Evolve but I’m glad I don’t have to now. I wish I could offer a solution for someone else who has this issue…just waiting for 24 hours for it to resolve itself seems crazy!
Ok, I had been dragging my feet on updating to the most recent version because it looked a little complicated, but I went ahead and did it on all my websites. I am very pleased with the results. Several unrelated issues under the “site health” area were resolved, I am very pleased.
However, this particular “Testimonial Shortcode” issue is still not resolved with the update. If I update the main page once, the shortcode displays one testimonial, then when it cycles to the second, all the text immediately disappears. When I update the page again, it works normal again! If you visit our site, it is working right now. If you would like me to intentionally leave it in the not working condition so you can see it, let me know.
I just updated the Component Shortcodes version to 1.0.1 and it appears to be having the same issue.
1. WordPress version? – 5.2.3
2. Evolve+ version? – 2.9.7
3. PHP version? – 7.2.7
4. Are you using Gutenberg or Classic Editor? – Gutenberg – I am using a “classic” block though in order to use the theme4press shortcodes.
5. Component Shortcodes plugin version? – 1.0.0
I know for sure that I tried to import Business 3 and Photography 3. I think I may have tried Blog 1 and one other which I can’t remember for sure.
This worked great. Thanks so much!
I am having the same problem. I tried downloading some to my localhost computer. I am using WAMP, with PHP 7.2. Some themes download partially and some never do anything. I have several active websites but do not want to use this plugin to download demo themes because I don’t want it to mess up any of my current themes and settings. Is there an alternative?
Oops, I did not expect it to actually display the code! Let me try this again. I removed the [ from the beginning of each of the three sections.
col_4_component background_color=”” background_color_2=”” background_color_fill=”flat” background_color_linear=”vertical” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” background_attachment=”scroll” background_attachment_parallax=”no” full_width=”yes” padding=”2rem” class=”” id=””]First Column[/col_4_component]
col_4_component background_color=”” background_color_2=”” background_color_fill=”flat” background_color_linear=”vertical” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” background_attachment=”scroll” background_attachment_parallax=”no” full_width=”yes” padding=”2rem” class=”” id=””]Second Column[/col_4_component]
col_4_component background_color=”” background_color_2=”” background_color_fill=”flat” background_color_linear=”vertical” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” background_attachment=”scroll” background_attachment_parallax=”no” full_width=”yes” padding=”2rem” class=”” id=””]third column[/col_4_component]
This solution worked great. Thank you so much! I love this theme so far!