Forum replies created
1) Theme4press core plugin is only designed to work with our products.
2) Links do work properly in toggle shortcodes, I am able to insert a link within toggle shortcode content.
I can also see the HTML source code of your link within the toggle shortcode, for example , <a target="_blank" href=""></a>
If I am not wrong, I think it’s disabled by your “click on name in table and scroll down to toggle shortcode” script. It converts links into scroll down anchor and disabled it’s default behavior.
3) I cannot find the correct typography setting in Alora Theme to do this, therefore please use the following custom css. Add in Theme Options- Custom CSS
.entry-title {
font-size: 30px !important;
line-height: 2;
margin-bottom: 20px !important;
Please see screenshot.
Please install another localhost on your computer for Evolve 1.9 and Import all demo content.
You can then use that as a reference for your current work.
In version 1.9 you can set sidebar layout for each post or page.
For your current work. You just need to backup the whole copy of your current parent or child theme with any modifications that you made, keep it, and in case you need it, you can always revert back. It’s advisable to update theme because there could be some critical bug fixes and new features.
Perhaps it’s because I am new to this job. I cannot find the Yoga example that you mentioned on our demo site.
Please kindly post the url to the demo page here.
You can use media queries. Using this article as reference.
For example in iPad Portrait mode. For example, to cancel out your margin-left which you set for desktop mode, which seems to be the code that’s causing it to go left.
@media only screen
and (min-device-width : 768px)
and (max-device-width : 1024px)
and (orientation : portrait) {
#tagline {
margin-left:0px !important;
You have to experiment with different media queries for each device view.
Sorry, I can only provide you with some guidance.
In Theme Options -> Post Slider -> Posts Slider placement set it to Manually select in a Post/Page edit mode (default)
As long as you don’t select it in post or page, it will not show up.
Please provide your website url.
I need to physically take a look.
From what I see in the picture, it could be part of your image.
Please see screenshot of our demo image.
You can see that it stretches to the bottom of the “learn more” button.
You images does not seem to be stretching full height.
I could be wrong, therefore I need your url to see it and troubleshoot using firefox error console.
Please kindly remove the Custom CSS that I provided.
My apologies. Very sorry, I am a new employee and is not very familiar with all the features of the theme.
My employer has actually pointed out to me that there is a Theme Option to set this.
In Theme Options -> Styling -> Color scheme of the slideshow and widgets area
You can use the color picker to set the color for the slide show area.
You are welcome!
In CSS, there is only background color and background image. Having a slider as a background needs custom code.
And you also need to set the z-index of everything else on the webpage to stack above it, so that it works as a background.
Your customization is not an easy task, therefore please kindly engage a developer if you need further assistance.
Please see the screenshot.
Is this what you need? I set the width wider for demo purpose.
The code is as follows. Please change the max-width to your desire.
.header-social .alora-row {
max-width: 1500px !important;
If this is not what you need, Please kindly get back to me with a screenshot, highlighting the area that you need to widen.
The whole set of header code, including menu… all the way until content boxes are found in header.php
You may want to try putting your codes in <div id="righttopcolumn">
You are advise to use a child theme to add in your customization.
Your customization is not an easy task, therefore please kindly engage a developer if you need further assistance.