Forum replies created
Thank you very much for your prompt support and for providing a solution to my problem.
I did tentatively think of resetting the database prefix back to wp_ after seeing “SELECT post_content FROM ‘wp_posts` WHERE . . . . .” in the function.php file but I persisted in keeping ‘alumni_’ for some strange reason!
Thank you very much again. I shall look forward to the update when it appears.
The Evolve+ version is and not
Thanks for your reply.
I am using version of Evolve Plus.
Regardless of whether I’m using a child theme or not, I still get the following errors when Bootstrap is active.
My knowledge of php is not good enough to try and figure out what’s happening, so any help is appreciated.
Thank you
Notice: Undefined index: evl_bootstrap_slide_status in /home/zf2gx5tv/public_html/build/wp-content/themes/evolve-plus/inc/template-tags.php on line 1612
I’m also have the following error reported in the Error Log and I’m not sure if it’s part of the same problem:
[09-Dec-2019 18:06:00 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘zf2gx5tv_build.wp_posts’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT post_content FROM wp_posts
WHERE post_type
= ‘customize_changeset’ and post_name
= ‘acddd430-9531-47ef-a7cf-75ff2f418e29’ made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/evolve-plus/page.php’), get_footer, locate_template, load_template, require_once(‘/themes/evolve-plus/footer.php’), wp_footer, do_action(‘wp_footer’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WP_Customize_Manager->customize_preview_settings, WP_Customize_Setting->js_value, Kirki_Settings_Repeater_Setting->value, WP_Customize_Setting->value, WP_Customize_Setting->get_root_value, get_theme_mod, apply_filters(‘theme_mod_evl_bootstrap_slider_repeater’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, evole_change_bootstrap_slider_repeater, evole_change_draft_mods
Thanks Evgeny,
Upgraded without a hitch this time.
Thanks again
Thank you both for your replies, problem solved.
I have always used ‘Theme Options’ and not ‘Customise’.
Thank you
I meant to also include an image from a previous install showing the Custom CSS installed.
Thank you
Hi Support,
I have solved the problem by completely uninstalling Evolve+ and then reinstalling.
I don’t know what caused the problem but it works perfectly now.
Thank you very much for your support and help.