• Closed
  • Ali Hammoud
    April 13, 2016 at 4:55 am #26480

    Just had wordpress auto update to 4.5. Website running Alora theme displays content ok but missing elements that use shortcodes and page header sliders. Suspected compatibility issues with theme and WP 4.5.

    Denzel Chia
    Posts: 2656
    April 14, 2016 at 7:37 pm #26547

    To Mario,

    I hope your remark is not targeting at me.
    If not, in the future, I will keep to my own duties.
    And it’s certainly not my duty to come up with an emergency fix.

    Thank you.

    Posts: 22
    April 15, 2016 at 3:22 am #26566

    Just another data point…

    Several features broken on Website running WordPress 4.5 and Alora 2.7.7

    Double checked my user/pass for auto notice of Theme Update; it’s correct… no notice.
    Per postings in this thread your already aware and working issues.

    Will await update 🙂

    Mario Guagliardo
    Posts: 13
    April 15, 2016 at 7:59 am #26572

    “I am not the software developer of this company and I certainly do not know when the updates will be available. Only my boss knows and has the ability to produce and decide the day to release updates. “

    So Denzel, It was not to you. It is to the people who decide. At this point i see things not going well. (Blockquote at this theme doesn’t work well?)

    Fiona Crane
    Posts: 1
    April 15, 2016 at 8:42 am #26574

    I’ve been using alora theme quite happily till now and love it but since updating to 4.5 I have a problem too, blog images not showing except on the post page, portfolio not showing, faqs not working. I’m pretty clueless about coding, fixes and suchlike so would really appreciate some help please. Many thanks 🙂

    Will Bowen
    Posts: 1
    April 15, 2016 at 7:32 pm #26588

    This worked to fix my elastic slider images not showing!

    Posts: 22
    April 16, 2016 at 2:50 am #26592

    Just curious… some other comments in this thread got me thinking.
    Is there something that I/we should be concerned about; no update or comment from DEV yet.

    Normally, DEV is working with the next ALPHA/BETAs…
    Did nobody, on the DEV side, see these issues coming?

    If there is no estimate or wild guess on an update…
    Should those of us that have had our/their sites updated to 4.5, perform a roll-back to the previous version of Alora that was stable? -OR- Just wait for the update?

    Posts: 22
    April 17, 2016 at 12:54 pm #26625


    Just doing a Google search on “WordPress 4.5 Breaks Sites”
    Found a bunch of other postings regarding WP 4.5 breaking a lot of other stuff.

    Doesn’t look like WP 4.5 was a good roll-out… and DEV folks (Themes to Plug-ins) are scrambling to pick-up the pieces from all the fallout.

    Mario Guagliardo
    Posts: 13
    April 17, 2016 at 1:27 pm #26626

    Version: 2.7.7 – 15/12/15

    Fixed blog shortcode issue with WordPress 4.4
    Version: 2.7.6 – 29/11/15

    Fixed Typography Upload Issue
    Version: 2.7.5 – 27/11/15

    Added Redux Framework support
    Added Google reCAPTCHA 2 To Contact Page Template
    Added Theme Automatic Update Feature
    Updated Theme4Press Core Plugin
    Minor fixes
    Version: 2.7.1 – 21/8/15

    Alora / woocommerce / single-product / add-to-cart / variable.php version 2.4.0 has expired. The core version is 2.5.0

    Alora / woocommerce / content product.php version 2.4.0 has expired. The core version is 2.5.0

    When you look at the changelog (4 months sinds last update) en the problems at sites who running Alora, i think that my clients step over to a other theme with better support. Sorry, but this is a call to wake up.

    Posts: 22
    April 17, 2016 at 3:10 pm #26629

    I know the Alora Core uses the Redux Framework, which took 5-days to produce an update; I got the prompt for and updated yesterday (4/16)… didn’t help.

    If Alora is dependent upon other core WordPress framework/updates… that might be part of the delay, due to requirements to re-code around the updated framework… but I agree, some info (good/bad) would be better than none.

    I’ve already played the game of disabling all our plug-ins to see if it helped… nope.

    I also have a couple of files that I have to re-customize each time a new Theme drops. I’ve already started a back-up of those files. Suggest we use this time to back-up our sites… prep for when the new/updated Theme is available.

    This issue does drive the idea that we need to have an alternative Theme ready for cases like this… just never had the need to consider it before this.

    Mario Guagliardo
    Posts: 13
    April 17, 2016 at 3:37 pm #26630

    At some sites where I Alora applicable, has worked Redux update. But others do not.
    So I scattered problems with display pictures, problems with WooCommerce display and so on.

    I really wonder about the communication. It is a theme which has been bought by many. Then do you expect good support. I appreciate the efforts of some like Denzal BUT I miss the official dedication.

    For many, the bussiness stops or reverse when parts are not working properly. That’s just a point of focus for the developers. And it hits this supplier currently deficit