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  • Ali Hammoud
    April 13, 2016 at 4:55 am #26480

    Just had wordpress auto update to 4.5. Website running Alora theme displays content ok but missing elements that use shortcodes and page header sliders. Suspected compatibility issues with theme and WP 4.5.

    Posts: 22
    April 17, 2016 at 6:20 pm #26641

    Just for the hell of it…

    I’ve changed Themes to the WP Twenty Sixteen (v1.2) and back to Alora (v2.7.7)… no difference. I need to find a good alternative/backup theme… researching.

    I whacked the Theme4Press Core (v1.3.3) just to see if a new/updated Core was silently in the repository (maybe they were quietly testing/working in the background)… nope, the newly download T4P Core was still the same. Made no difference installing/re-installing the T4P Core.

    I’ve purged all cache and reloaded… no difference.

    :: Banging Head on Desk ::

    Myntillae Nash
    Posts: 3
    April 19, 2016 at 12:52 am #26686

    Theme4Press Slider no longer displaying images on my site, and the blog grid is not displaying images either after updating WordPress version. I tried replacing the main.js for that hack, but didn’t make any difference… Cleared my cache and everything. Help! Just want to get this site launched!

    Posts: 22
    April 19, 2016 at 1:47 am #26687

    I hate to go this route…

    However, tomorrow (4/19) will be 7-days (1-week)… with no DEV acknowledgement or way forward.

    At this time, we have put our sites into Maintenance Mode and three of us are performing a refresh of our sites, which is too say Alora is going to the back burner for awhile. If our site rankings improve; Alora maybe on the back burner infidelity.

    Mario Guagliardo
    Posts: 13
    April 19, 2016 at 9:09 am #26715

    Send today:

    To the management and development of Theme4Press

    To my great surprise, one week after the introduction of WP 4.5 are not any updates available for your themes. This leads by multiple websites to problems.

    Not shown images, non-working codes. This is actually not what you would expect as a customer bought one theme.

    I express the hope that distributed an update within a very short time, which solves the problems reported


    Robbie Griffiths
    Posts: 6
    April 19, 2016 at 10:50 am #26717

    When can we expect an upgrade, or is the only answer to roll back to previous WP version? Buying a theme rather than using a free one – it is to avoid these issues!

    Teri Comroe
    Posts: 3
    April 19, 2016 at 4:41 pm #26723

    The new main.js above fixed my problem with the menu not showing up on the mobile and tablet versions. Thank you Denzel

    Robbie Griffiths
    Posts: 6
    April 19, 2016 at 5:45 pm #26724

    I don’t know how to post this code. A path is given but I don’t know anything about css. Where do I paste the code?

    Mario Guagliardo
    Posts: 13
    April 19, 2016 at 5:54 pm #26725

    REMEMBER it is NOT a official fix

    Myntillae Nash
    Posts: 3
    April 19, 2016 at 6:32 pm #26727

    Yeah, it’s disappointing that a paid theme will not be provided with fixes for new versions of WordPress and that we have to roll back to earlier versions of WordPress or just let our sites sit with problems. I second Mario’s comment about hoping that fixes and updates will come soon!

    Posts: 3147
    April 19, 2016 at 7:14 pm #26734

    sorry guys about the delay and the streesful days, had a busy week, but we did it. It’s available now for download. thanks.