Forum replies created
To get the Google Maps working you need to add the Google Maps API key in the required field The forms options you can find under Customize -> Components -> Forms
Please do a backup as noted in our docs here please Then you can easily revert the theme if anything goes wrong. Thanks
the latest theme version is 2.9.3. Please update manually as auto updates are not available for now. Thanks.
Hello Michael,
have you try to update to the recent theme version? The website is using an older version.
Is this error in the plugins installation page? If yes, then the plugins exists in the installation. It’s not an error for the theme installation
Hello Valerie, thanks for your comments. To your query, there are no special instructions. Just install the premium version and enable it. There is no need to uninstall/remove the free version. The premium one will use its options 😉
thanks for the info. appreciated 😉
the theme uses the default wp_mail() function to send emails so there could be some server setup issues as I tested it on my server and it works just fine. From the wp admin area I am not able to find out more about this issue
can you please provide a FTP access yet? I need to digg more in the issue. thanks
thanks for the info. Please let me know how it goes