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5 Reasons You Should Avoid Free WordPres...

Selecting a WordPress theme for your blog is quite a tough decision because of the huge number and variety of free WordPress themes and premium themes available in the market. So, as a newbie blogger, are you thinking to start your first blog with a free theme and then changing to a Premium theme at […]

File management plugins for your WordPre...

WordPress is not just a blogging platform but also quite a comprehensive CMS (Content Management System) for numerous customer needs. For instance, it is used a lot as a file management system where teams work on files simultaneously and handle file hosting, file management, and workflow. It looks difficult to manage this process with the […]

How important it is to have a responsive...

Blogs are the most interactive tool in the online world. If we look at the early period of website launches and companies moving into the online business space, people focused on the design of the website.  As a result, the initial website designs focused a lot on the placement of the information. This very same […]

5 Best Online WordPress Backlink Checkin...

Before we get into the race of finding the best tools for WordPress backlinks we should understand what backlinks are and their importance. Backlinks or inbound links, as the name suggests, are the links directed towards your website. The amount of backlinks shows the importance or popularity of your website. Backlinks are quite important from […]

The Basics of WordPress to Consider When...

What is WordPress? Talking about WordPress is a web-based software program, used by anyone for maintaining or creating a blog or a website. This is one of the most popular “Content Management Systems”, used for running full-fledged, rich-in social media business websites. In order to know about the basics of WordPress, let us discuss some […]