Forum replies created
Hi. Yes, we’ve seen it. You have a DB problem. When an error like this appears, it means that the database reports to WordPress that it is “clean”. This has something in your WordPress installation, try to talk to your hosting service’s support.
We cannot help without looking at the code – it is truly an exaggerated expectation. Our theme most probably didn’t cause this, the problem is somewhere else. We can’t even begin to guess. Anyway, if you change your mind – we are right here.
It looks fine, however, the error in the browser console shows that the problem is API related – Google won’t authorize the key. Please see here: You have to make sure, that the website can inquire your API for information.
There is a first time for everything, they say ). We are planning to check thoroughly your entire website installation to see what caused the problem. Because the problem is not universal, there is something wrong in your website code and we need to figure out what it is. Working through a live session isn’t an option, sorry. If there is no way around it, then you would have to work with a developer you trust.
Hi, just a quick note – what you should do, is to upgrade to the latest version. Just if you decide to do it, do not forget to back up the website and the database, the new version is a completely new theme under the hood. And thanks for sharing the solution.
We are looking into it. We might need FTP access and admin area access, as well. So to skip a step, please provide them in a private message. Thanks.
Hi. This is something that we can’t support – this is not a theme feature. You can try giving it an ID and adding specific CSS for it. But what I can do is something else – I added a two-button content box to development roadmap, and probably in one of the closest releases we will add this feature.
And one more question – what were you running before updating? what version of Evolve+?
Since the problem isn’t universal, we will have to look at your website specifically. Please share access to the admin area in a private message.