This feature is available only for Premium members

NOTE: You can access all the shortcodes via the shortcodes icon on your visual editor. See this document if you need more information


Description and Code


The Menu Anchor shortcode lets you link from one spot in a page to another spot. This is often used to create a menu for a long page that links to the different sections of the page - one page or also known as parallax page. In addition, you can also link from one spot in a post to another specific spot in another post. Here's an example of the shortcode in code view:

[menu_anchor_component hashtag=""]




  • hashtag
    • this option sets tne name which will be the id (hashtag) you will have to use in your one page menu or any link
    • Possible values - string - like section-contact




As an example of a Menu Anchor, you can click this link to go to the bottom of this page


In order to get your link set up, put the shortcode wherever you'd like to link to on your page. In the example above, the shortcode on this page is at the bottom of the page.

You will then need to create a link to the shortcode. Do that by creating a link as you normally would, but instead of putting in a URL, put in a hashtag, plus the name you set up in your shortcode.

For example, we've set the hashtag in our shortcode to be bottom and so in the link, we put #bottom in the URL spot, like <a href="#bottom">this link</a>

In order to link from one page to another, set up your shortcode on the page where you will link to as mentioned above, and then you can link to that spot by including the full URL of the page + the hashtag.

So, for example, if you have a page called, and you want to link to the bottom of that page, set up a shortcode at the bottom of that page with a hashtag like bottom and then set the link URL as






The shortcode is placed just above this text so that when the link is clicked, you arrive at this spot. Click this link to move up back


Nulla viverra hendrerit suscipit. Quisque sodales libero justo, et fermentum nulla rutrum a. Vivamus facilisis sodales tempor. Phasellus eu luctus elit. Maecenas dictum tortor dui, ut ultricies nisi luctus sed. Etiam at arcu vel lorem malesuada eleifend ac quis nunc. Etiam accumsan faucibus dolor consequat hendrerit. Aenean at ex eget augue gravida sollicitudin vitae vel erat. Etiam pulvinar fringilla faucibus. Donec interdum sed tellus eget scelerisque. Suspendisse congue porta ante, id tincidunt felis.

Nulla nec libero ligula. Phasellus et volutpat sem. Nulla vitae consectetur orci. Ut vehicula pellentesque est, sit amet ullamcorper sapien ultrices vestibulum. Morbi iaculis velit risus, sit amet condimentum nibh elementum quis. Nam mi nisl, mattis quis sagittis vitae, fermentum vel massa. Quisque arcu arcu, pulvinar ac consectetur in, pharetra sed mi. Nam et tellus dapibus, lacinia ligula lacinia, interdum diam. Donec pulvinar arcu erat, eu sodales elit pharetra eget. Aenean nibh felis, molestie vel pharetra id, efficitur id nunc. Quisque eleifend scelerisque consequat. Maecenas vestibulum, mauris sit amet pellentesque iaculis, magna tortor ultrices dolor, ut vestibulum arcu sapien a enim. Integer commodo, est ac pharetra consectetur, arcu magna facilisis ante, ut condimentum nunc enim ut sem. Curabitur consequat, dui at ornare fermentum, est lacus sodales lorem, vel eleifend neque ex vel mi. Mauris maximus, orci id dictum dictum, metus lectus bibendum arcu, eu blandit lorem arcu feugiat urna.

Duis nisl eros, finibus sed dapibus non, porttitor vel augue. Pellentesque eu quam nec urna ullamcorper finibus mattis sed eros. Vestibulum leo massa, fringilla a eleifend sit amet, molestie eu quam. Suspendisse placerat imperdiet purus vitae posuere. Maecenas mollis ullamcorper sapien viverra maximus. Nam commodo nisl non sapien hendrerit, vitae aliquet turpis pulvinar. Nulla pulvinar ultrices mauris, at varius arcu cursus vel. In ut orci eu nisi viverra pharetra ut non libero. Quisque maximus, leo at facilisis euismod, mi lectus feugiat elit, ut consectetur sem orci nec neque. Pellentesque cursus quis erat eget bibendum. Ut dapibus sem non erat tempor molestie. Praesent suscipit ipsum vel leo vulputate, et commodo felis faucibus.