Bootstrap Slider




The Bootstrap Slider is a free slider included in the theme which lets you to create a showcase of chosen images with a custom titles, descriptions and buttons. To create a Bootstrap Slider, run through the following steps.


Slider Layout


Go to Appearance   Customize   Bootstrap Slider. Here you can set the overall settings for your slider under the General section.




Bootstrap Slider


Bootstrap Slider General


Bootstrap Slider General




  • Enable Bootstrap Slider
    • enable globally the slider for the website
  • Enable Bootstrap Slider On Front Page
  • Bootstrap Slider On All Website
    • enables the slider on all website
  • Disable Bootstrap Slides 100% Width Background
    • this option enables/disables the slides image background to be full width or not
  • Speed
    • defines the delay of the slider between slides
  • Slide Title Font
    • typography, color and style of the slider title
    • Slide Title Font
  • Slide Title Font Background Color
    • sets the background color of the slide title text
    • Slide Title Font Background Color
  • Slide Description Font
    • typography, color and style of the slider description
    • Slide Description Font
  • Slide Description Font Background Color
    • sets the background color of the slide description text
    • Slide Description Font Background Color
  • Slide Title Visibility
    • controls the visibility of the slide title on specific screen resolutions
  • Slide Title and Description Font Background Color Visibility (If Set)
    • controls the visibility of the slide title and description background color on specific screen resolutions
  • Choose Bootstrap Slider Layout Type
    • defines the main layout type of the slider


Adding Slides


Add slides to your slider by going to Appearance   Customize   Bootstrap Slider   Slides. You can add an image, a title, a description, and a link (button).


Bootstrap Slider Slides


By clicking on the Add item button - 1, you can add an unlimited number of slides and by drag & drop you can easilly reorder them - 2.


Bootstrap Slider Slides


Place Slider On a Post/Page


In order to place a slider on a post/page, see the instructions in the Sliders documentation